

The Course Management module is designed to assist the administration of structured courses, such as swimming lessons. It will enable you to set-up schedules for courses of many different types, all with various pricing structures and timetables. Designed also to complement the membership and booking systems for the enrollment of students and the allocation of rooms or activity areas.

Restrictions, such as qualifications and payment can be enforced to control the level of a student's course booking. Changing schedule becomes very easy since the system calculates the penalties and charges associated with the move. Users can integrate their badges or awards scheme within the system and sell them though the till. Certificates can also be printed for successful students. At the end of a course an automated procedure allows correspondence to participants by email or letter informing them of their progress and next course.

  • Easy view of course availability
  • Unlimited number of courses
  • Badges and awards
  • Search facilities
  • Security details for children
  • Online bookings compatible
  • Certificate printing
  • Stock control of awards
  • Mail-merge to students
  • Easy to use